Direct Mail & EDDM
Full Service EDDM
We do all the work for you. We find the right carrier routes with the demographics or geographic area that you want. We help design your postcards. We print them and do all the postal paperwork and then get them into the USPS system. Less work and lower postal rates for you.
Lowest Postage Rate
Direct Mail
Direct Mail Includes:
- Printing the marketing piece
- Buying a mailing list
- Processing the mailing list
- Printing names/addresses
- Paying for postage – typically 25 cents
- Taking the mail to the USPS

Direct Mail Works
A good example is that Google still uses it as part of their marketing strategy.
Direct mail works because it’s designed to reach potential customers during their time not spent online. It’s a controlled message that’s delivered right into the hands of your targeted market. Best of all, it isn’t fighting or competing with pages of websites links or keywords; just your utility bills or mortgage payment. And who wants to read those?

Why EDDM is such a great deal.
EDDM stands for “Every Door Direct Mail.” Designed to help businesses deploy promotions and advertisements to a targeted area. This U.S. Postal Service program allows you to have your mailer hand delivered to every mailbox along chosen routes. It is a cost effective alternative to traditional direct mail that allows you to saturate the market and promote to every household or business in a desired geography.
Every Door Direct Mail is different than traditional direct mail. Traditional direct mail requires a mailing list. With Every Door, Direct Mail you just need to know the target region or particular neighborhood and then USPS will do the rest for you.
EDDM Full Service is easy and affordable. No mailing list means no cost to process a list and print it on your mailing pieces.
EDDM service is also very fast because it does not follow the traditional procedures that standard mail follows at the USPS. With EDDM, the mail goes straight to the mail carriers.
EDDM postage is typically less than half of the cost of a first class postage stamp.
If you want to have us just print and bundle the postcards for you, we’ll be happy to do that.