602.482.1100 alan@greenwayprint.com

door hangers

• Low Cost – as low as 14 cents/delivery. 
• Easier and less cost than EDDM.
• Reliable.
• Gets attention – your printed piece is the ONLY item on the door, unlike mail where your piece is just one of many.

Door to door helps you:
• Attract New Customers
• Reinforce  Existing Marketing Efforts
• Create Excitement Using Special Offers to Build Customer Loyalty
• Introduce New Business and/or Services
• Various Sizes Available
• Various Card Stocks Available
• Full Color Printing on one or both sides
• Perforations available to create a Tear-off Coupon
• UV or aqueous coating on one or both sides

Door Hangers 1
Door Hangers 2

Full color, heavy, gloss UV or matte coated door hangers at great prices.

Door to Door distribution of your door hangers or other marketing pieces is one of the most  effective ways to get your name and message right into the homes of your potential customers. Put your marketing materials in the right hands; let us take care of your flyers, door hangers, postcards or notepads and help you with getting them distributed door to door.

Your message stands out, as it is not included in the mail, and is the first thing they see when returning home. It costs you less per piece to have us deliver straight to the customers door than to mail your materials! This makes our service cost effective and more likely to give you the return on your material investment.

Design is Everything!

If you have your design ready, simply email it to us and we’ll print from it.
​If you need your piece designed, we can do it  for you at a very reasonable cost.
If you need a door hanger template, call us.

Graphic Design

Door to Door Delivery

We work closely with Arizona Flyer Service to distribute your flyers, door to door.  The reason we use them is that
1) They put ONLY your piece on the door.  They don’t batch pieces.  This way, you get the customer’s full attention.
2) They are very reliable.  They have managers, in the field, checking to make sure that all pieces are distributed.
3) Door Hangers for Real Estate is the perfect application.
Door to Door

Create A Great Offer:

Your offer is everything when it comes to the success of your door to door advertising.

We’ve put together a whole page of offer ideas.  Click here. 

Door to Door

Contact Us

Please contact us.  We are very friendly and would love to help you in any way that we can.

5425 E. Bell Rd. #120
Scottsdale, AZ 85254


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Veteran Owned Business

Veteran Owned Business

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