602.482.1100 alan@greenwayprint.com


CREATe offers that WORK


When people open their mail or look at what’s been left on their door, the give those pieces a second or two to grab their attention. If the pieces don’t grab their attention, the pieces are thrown away.   Here’s how to grab their attention.


The most important part of door to door advertising is the offer. It’s not just about  price.  It’s a deal that you make with your prospect/customer. It’s “You do this for me, and I’ll do this for you.”
The offer has to be compelling.  You’re selling the outcome – the solution.
You’re selling the destination – not the train, plane or automobile.
Better offers get better a response.
Remember to Test – Test – Test.
Mail Box


One of the greatest advertising man in history, David Ogilvy, said “On average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.”

Ogilvy said that he would write any advertisement in hours but it would take weeks to write the best headline.

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clv  – Client lifetime value

What Is A New Customer Worth?

In determining how much you can spend on advertising for an introductory product or service, think of the overall Client Lifetime Value (CLV). It is how much a customer will spend with you over time.

Let us help you figure that out.

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It’s always a good idea to offer a no-risk guarantee. If your prospect/customer has nothing to lose by purchasing your product or service, it’s a strong purchasing inducement.
If your prospect/customer knows that they can get their money back if they aren’t happy, they be more likely to give you a try.
Mail Box


Just like you check reviews online,  testimonials from satisfied customers can help prospects decide on using you. It’s a strong confidence builder.
Mail Box


What's in an offer.

  • Create Believability
  • Solve a Problem
  • Create an Incentive to Buy
  • Create Urgency
  • Promise A  Guarantee
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What is a good OFFER?


A valid offer addresses what your prospect or customer actually wants to buy, not what you want to sell. A valid offer has to be a “win-win” for both you and your prospect or customer.

Don’t Make Your Offer to “New Customers” Only.  A “new customer only” offer is not valid because you may be alienating your current and loyal customers.


Make sure your pricing isn’t  confusing. Use “percentage off” when for high-ticket items. especially if most people don’t know what the retail or suggested cost is.
A specific dollar discount is good on less expensive items where most people know what the retail or suggested cost is (e.g. $1.00 off admission).
You may want to place your offer as 2-for-1 instead of 50% off to push up the total revenue generated.


When designing your offer to get people to act, the shorter the time period of an offer the more likely you are to achieve results. If it will be a very definite period of time, then you may want to promote the special as “call now to reserve these prices,” allowing consumers to pre-buy your special.
Mail Box



  • Free Trial for a time frame that should fit the product. This offer removes risk for the prospect, overcomes inertia, and works with just about any product.
  • Money-Back Guarantee. This is perhaps the second best offer. A customer pays upfront but, if dissatisfied, can return the item for a full refund. Like the free trial, this offer removes risk but allows you to use customer inertia to your benefit since few people will take the trouble to return something.
  • Free Gift. When you offer a freebie your customer wants, your offer will usually outpull a discount offer of similar value. That’s because a gift is a more tangible benefit. This also has the advantage of not devaluing your product with a price reduction.
  • Limited Time. An offer with a time limit gets more response than an offer without one. You can display an exact date or suggest a response time frame, such as 14 days or 30 days. This forces a decision. And the faster you can force a decision, the more likely it will be in your favor.
Mail Box


Discount coupons are a reduction in the face value of the goods as an enticement to place the order.

Rebates are a discount that takes place after the purchases is made by the buyer if he exceeds a defined limit, in a specified period.

Discounts are a marketing strategy.

Rebates are a sales strategy.

Discounts are available to all  customers. Rebates are available only to those customers who meet specific criteria.

Mail Box

Here are some videos about creating offers.
Please pick and choose from the different videos and put your own offer together.
We are not associated with any of the people in these videos.

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Please contact us.  We are very friendly and would love to help you in any way that we can.

5425 E. Bell Rd. #120
Scottsdale, AZ 85254


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